


Reboot Europe – How can we restore EU’s competitiveness and get the European economy back on track?

Our guest, Fredrik Persson, President of BusinessEurope,

  • will give his visions on the future of Europe’s competitiveness and
  • give us insights on BusinessEurope’s key priorities and initiatives, and of course,
  • his view on the impact of the U.S. new administration on European businesses and industries.

Previously, Fredrik was President of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (2017–2022), and currently chairs Ellevio AB, JM AB, and ICC Sweden, while serving on boards such as Holmen and ICA Group. He has extensive experience from Axel Johnson Group, ABB Financial Services, and Aros Securities.

The talk will be moderated by Daniella Waldfogel, President, Swedish Chambers International and CEO, Stockholm Chamber of Commerce with expertise in public affairs and policy advocacy from roles at JKL, the European Parliament, and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

This time the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in France is organizing the webinar.

Registration link:

The link to the webinar will be sent one day before the event.

About SCI: SCI is an umbrella organisation for Swedish Chambers of Commerce abroad. We are  a platform dedicated to promoting Swedish chambers of commerce internationally and we connect businesses from all over the world – putting the world at your fingertips. SCI consists of over 30 Swedish Chambers from all over the world, spanning hundreds of companies across five continents.



During this event of the “Energy efficiency solutions in companies” Program – organised by the German-Hungarian Chamber in co-operation with the Swedish, the Austrian, Dutchh, and Swiss bilateral Chambers – you can learn about innovative, complex solutions.


8:30  –  9:00       

Registration and networking

9:00  –  9:10   

Opening and welcomeH.E. Diana Madunic, Ambassador of Sweden to Hungary; Júlia Lipovecz, Director, Swisscham  Hungary

9:10  –  9:25 

Compressed Air Heat recovery at manufacturing sites
Atlas Copco – Mattias Holmstedt, General Manager, Atlas Copc

9:25  – 9:40

Heat pumps – a part of the circular future
Qvantum – Lars Bierlein, Head of New Markets and OEM

9:40  – 9:55

Future trends of electricity consumption – new industrial technologies
ABB – Péter Ivanics, Motion Local Business Unit Manager

9:55 – 10:10      

Digital Carbon footprint
Carbon.Crane – György Huszics, Founder, Managing Director

10:10 – 10:25   


10:25 – 10:45   


10:45 – 11:00   

Energy Efficiency in the industry – best practices, development and training opportunities (HU) – Krisztina Kottmayer, Project leader at German-Hungarian Knowledge Centre

11:00 – 11:15   

Waste to energy recovery (HU)
EQUANS – János Prugberger, Strategic Project Manager

11:15 – 11:30   

Hydrogen technology to make production carbon neutral – 30 years plan (HU)
Wienerberger – Péter Vaskó, Regional Product Manager

11:30 – 11:45   


11:45 –

Snacks and networking

Venue: Residence of the Ambassador of Sweden, 1121 Budapest, Diana utca 16/C.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required here no later late than 24 March 2025.

Please note that before the break the presentations will be held in English, after the break the language of the presentations will be Hungarian.



The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary is co-partner of the business lunch, organized by the Hungarian-French Chamber of Commerce on “Economic outlook for Hungary in 2025” with Minister Márton Nagy.

Date: 6 February, 2025; Lunch time (exact time will be specified soon)

Venue: Anantara New York Palace Budapest Hotel (1073 Budapest, Erzsébet krt. 9.)

The language of the event is ENGLISH.

Please register here no later than 30 January, 2025.

Participation fee (including lunch): Members: HUF 34,900 + VAT/person; Non-members: HUF 52,200 + VAT/person

Please mark “Swedish Chamber of Commerce” during the registration process.



The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary hereby activates the IT working group within the Chamber.

Date: 28 January, 15.00 – 16.30

The goal of the working group is to have a platform where IT decision makers and experts can identify and discuss common issues and best practices.

Besides companies active in the IT industry, we welcome IT Managers/decision makers from other industries as well. 

The agenda of the first meeting is flexible, the goal is to get to know each other and the companies and to discuss how members can utilize this platform the best way.

If you are interested to join, please contact Márta Böddi at

09.12.2024, 18.00


Lucia has visited the Swedish Business community in Hungary this year as well.
Team Sweden had a great Gala Dinner starting with an interesting discussion with H.E. Diana Madunic, Ambassador of Sweden to Hungary and Roland Jakab, President of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, moderated by Márta Holló.
The Lucia Choir, Tutti Cantabile brought the Lucia and Christmas feeling to us, while Balázs Kiss literally enchanted the guests. After a raffle with really valuable prices (from Agapé Wine Estate – Mátra, Illés Winery, Husqvarna Group/Gardena, Life and Ways , Fjällräven, Volvo Cars and Electrolux Group), four Stars from the Operett Theatre (Kata Janza, Nikolett Füredi, Ádám Bálint and Norman Szentmártoni) brought us a brilliant ABBA show.

You can find the program here.

The event reminded us on what Lucia brings to us: light and hope in the darkest days of the year.

You can feel the atmosphere of the gala dinner through the photos and the video.

Big thanks to QantaScope, Saab, ABB, Volvo Cars, Volvo Hungária Kft. , Electrolux Group, Intrum and IKEA for making this event possible.



This year the Nordic Business Forum is hosted by the Embassy of Sweden

17:30 – Registration

18:00 – Welcome remarks by H.E. Diana Madunic, Ambassador of Sweden.

18:05 – Keynote speech by Mr. Máté Lóga, State Secretary for Economic Strategy, Ministry for National Economy.

18:20 – Panel discussion: “How to strengthen our competitiveness together?” Moderator: Roland Jakab, President of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary

19:00 – Reception

12.11.2024, 9.00 – 11.00

EMPLOYMENT AND GIG-ECONOMY – How do they work together?

Nordconn International and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary cordially invite you to the next SCCH CEO&HR Forum

Venue: Nordconn International, 1113 Budapest, Bocskai út 134-146, Building E, 1st floor

The gig-economy has evolved beyond traditional freelance roles, becoming a space where specialized knowledge is increasingly in demand.

Join us at this interactive workshop and have discusssions around What is gig-economy? What is the difference between freelancers, consultants, temporary contract workers? What are the trends when it comes to working with external experts? When to work with employees and when with project-based external experts? How to calculate return of investment when it comes to your workforce? How to decide which employment contract type is the best fit for the situation?


9.00: Registration, networking

9.20: Welcome words & Key note thoughts

9.40: Moderated interactive discussions with real-life stories where hard decisions where made, money was lost, resources were wasted. How to turn a situation like that? You will be able to share and discuss what could have been done differently and learn from the examples

10.40: Snacks & Networking


Participation is free of charge for SCCH members and organizing partners. 9000 HUF for non-members.

Late cancellations or no shows will be invoiced for ALL registered persons.



Net Zero Carbon Building  Ready, Set, Go!

The Hungarian Green Building Council (HuGBC) and Team Sweden in Hungary kindly invite you to the Green Future Conference 2024 – Net Zero Carbon Construction – Ready, Set, Go!

Location: Budapest Music Center (BMC), 1093 Budapest Mátyás utca 8.

The fight against climate change is not just a challenge but an urgent task that requires our collective effort to solve. Supported by Team Sweden and 22 prominent companies, this year’s conference has set an ambitious goal: to achieve domestic net-zero carbon targets in the construction economy. To this end, it will publish a key strategy and engage in exciting discussions with leading international and national professionals. To promote and inspire sustainability efforts in the construction industry, the Council will launch the Zero Carbon Award to recognize the efforts of built environment stakeholders to minimize carbon emissions each year.

Please find the professional program, full of internationally recognized experts (e.g. the Sweden Green Building Council and Skanska) and registration details here: Green Future Conference 2024 (

Please note that the language of the event is mainly Hungarian.

25.10.2024, 12.15 – 15.30

EU-Chamber’s Business Lunch with H.E. Tibor Navracsis & H.E. János Bóka

The event has the dual purpose of focusing on the Hungarian semester of the EU Presidency and celebrating the EU-Chamber’s 30th anniversary since its foundation in the latter half of the year.


12:15 – 12:45 Registration & Welcome Drink

12:45 – 13:00 Opening Remarks by Bernardino PUSCEDDU, President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Hungary & current President of the EU-Chambers and Diego RANDAZZO, Councillor and Head of the Consular Chancellery of the at the Embassy of Italy in Budapest

13:00 – 13:30 H.E. Mr. Tibor NAVRACSICS, Minister of Public Administration and Regional Development

13:30 – 13:45 Q&A Session

13:45 – 14:15 H.E. János BÓKA, Minister for European Union Affairs

14:15 – 14:30 Final Remarks, Q&A Session

14:30 – 15:30 Closing reception with buffet

Moderated by Eszter ZAVAROS

Language of the event: English & Hungarian with simultenaus translation

Participation fee:
SCCH members: 38.100 HUF
Non-members: 46.500 HUF

Due to the limited capacity of the venue, registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until 18 October 2024.


17.10.2024 – 15.00

BETTER EFFECT – Sustainability in our everyday life

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary and Kinnarps Hungary cordially invite you to following exciting event on sustainability:

Better Effect – Sustainability in our everyday life

  • How we can contribute to a greener future through our decisions, our work, and even with our clothing?
  • What can we do individually and what can we do on community level for a sustainable future?

Listen to recognized experts:

– Dr. Lorina Buda, charismatic TEDx Speaker, University Teacher

– Ádám Böszörményi, NTT Hungary, Solution Sales Manager / CX&EX division

– Léna Szabó, Style motivator, Ambassador of a conscious wardrobe

Join us for an inspiring afternoon to take actions together for a greener world.

Venue: Kinnarps showroom, 1138 Budapest, Esztergomi út 31-39. 1.emelet.

Please find more information and registration details in the attached invitation.

Participation is free of charge for SCCH members and partners of Kinnarps, but registration is required.

08.10.2024, 8.30 – 12.00

Energy efficiency solutions and best practices

During this event of the “Energy efficiency solutions in companies” Program – organised by the German-Hungarian Chamber in co-operation with the Swedish, the Austrian, and Swiss bilateral Chambers – you can learn about innovative, complex solutions on how to optimize compressed air systems, which has big potential for manufacturing companies. You will also see the latest equipment and gain insights into the world of Press Air Kft. during a company tour.

Venue: Press Air Kft., 2040 Budaörs, Gyár u. 2.

You can find detailed information on the event and registration details here (in Hungarian)

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.

The language of the event is Hungarian.


01.10.2024, 8.40 – 11.30


On the initiative of Bridge Budapest the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, together with Dutcham, and Swisscham Hungary cordially invites its members to a mindset-shaping leadership development programme by Bridge Legacy Lab:

LEGACY LEADERSHIP – Solid Foundations in Uncertain Times: Why and how can we plan confidently for the long term?

Venue: Kinnarps Showroom Esztergomi út 31-39-HUB 1. building. 1. floor, 1138 Budapest

What are we leaving behind for future generations? Why even think about our own leadership legacy in our most active years? What kind of legacy do we leave behind as leaders? Are we shaping and creating workplaces where we feel we are doing meaningful work and which fulfills us? Why is the choice between profit and goodwill not necessarily a choice? What are the workplaces like where our kids would also love to work?

These are some of the questions we seek to answer with the Legacy Leadership approach by Bridge Budapest.

Veronika Pistyur (Bridge Budapest, managing director) and Eszter Árvai (Esterest Consulting, organizational development consultant, coach – former Head of HR at IKEA Austria) will kick-off the programme with some opening reflections on the mindset and approach of Legacy Leadership and its practical application, followed by an interactive discussion and sharing of personal experiences with practicing ‘Legacy Leaders’.


  • Inspirational presentation on the ‘Legacy Leadership’ approach
  • Joint discussion on values and choices
  • Leaders’ Forum with ‘Legacy leaders’ on ‘Self Development, Building a Company, Future Resilience, Perspective: Tímea Pesti (Leaseplan Hungária), Róbert Lancz (Doktor24) and György Nagy (Sigma Technology)
  • Networking

Registration: by 20 September via this link.

Due to the limited capacity of the venue, registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

The language of the event is HUNGARIAN.

The mission of Bridge Budapest is to help business leaders to understand the importance and relevance of building leadership legacies and planning for the long term, and also that value creation is a business imperative, even in a business environment that is used to short-term crisis management, and is often expected to address global challenges beyond its own control.



Bergmann and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary are happy to invite you to a financial professional event organized by our member, Bergmann:

“Economic and digitalisation challenges – the digital financial leader, partner in difficult decision-making”

The aim of the event is to show how digital solutions can make the work of financial managers easier and more efficient in today’s rapidly changing economic environment.

During the event you will have the opportunity to listen to presentations of recognized experts from among others, the Budapest Stock Exchange and K&H Bank. György Nagy, Managing Director of Sigma Technology Hungary and Vice President of the Swedish Chamber will also participate in the panel discussion on sustainable company development.

Venue: K&H Bank’s Headquarters (1095 Budapest, Lechner Ödön fasor 9., Auditorium)

Please find detailed agenda and registration link here. Please note that the language of the event is Hungarian.

Participation is free of charge for SCCH members.


12.09.2024, 8.45 – 14.00


Nearly 500 meals were cooked for people in need by the employees of Electrolux Hungary, Ambassador of Sweden Diana Madunic, and the member companies of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce

Electrolux Hungary has been working with the Hungarian Food Bank Association since 2019. This year the joint work continues as in September a team of 50 people from Electrolux, 30 people from the Swedish Chamber of Commerce’s member companies and the Ambassador of Sweden Diana Madunic joined forces to cook and pack a total of nearly 500 meals for one of the partner organization of the Food Bank, especially the Social Care Centre of Érd.

The ’Jótékonyha’ event is just the first occasion organised by Electrolux to raise awareness of the younger generation on how they can help to reduce food waste and also the environmental footprint of food.

The Hungarian Food Bank Association is one of the most influential charities in Hungary. Every year, the organisation collects 10 million kilos of food from supermarkets and manufacturers that is close to its expiry date or has faulty packaging, so that it does not end up in the bin but on the tables of people in need. Since its establishment in 2005, the Association has built a nationwide food rescue network of more than 600 charitable organisations, through which it has donated goods worth HUF 80 billion to people and families in need. The Food Bank’s donations help 250,000 people in need every year, and food rescue also protects nature from the environmental damage caused by waste.



Team Sweden in Hungary (Embassy of Sweden in Budapest, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary and leading Swedish companies) invited partners and friends to a Midsommar celebration.

At the event, János Bóka, Minister for European Union Affairs, and Roland Jakab, President of the Swedish Chamber also greeted the guests and wished everyone a pleasant summer and Midsummer.
Further ingredients were great music with the Carling Family, dance, great Swedish summer food, flowers, and the most important: great people!

Could not be realized without our gold sponsors: SAAB, ABB, Volvo, and IKEA and our supporters: Electrolux, Intrum, NEFAB, Securitas, Sigma Technology, and Skanska

If you would like to get an insight into this great experience, you can check the photos here.

30.05.2024, 9.00 – 10.30


Bálint Kovács from Stradamus Zrt. will give us a comprehensive picture on the ESG law.

We will cover the followings:

  • Overview on the Hungarian specialties
  • How to meet expectations set for the Hungarian companies?
  • Where are the companies in the process in usual?
  • Best practice and experience sharing through cases

The language of the event is HUNGARIAN.

Participation is free of charge for SCCH members, and organizing partners, but registration is required here.

You will get the link to the meeting after registration.

27.05.2024, 9.00 – 11.00

THE FUTURE POTENTIAL INDEX – What is it and what is it good for?

Join our upcoming event on the Future Potential Index and learn from internationally recognized scientists what it is and what is it good for!

  •  What could be the key to our successful future?
  • What sustains the good life in the unity of order?
  • What can organizations and leaders do?

Please find more details and agenda in the attached invitation!

16.05.2024, 18.00 – 21.00


The purpose of the event is to promote informal networking among the members and partners of the three chambers. Join us for some drinks and snacks, while making valuable business and friendship connections in the pleasant atmosphere of Zsiráf Buda.

Date and time: 16 May, 2024; 6:00-9:00 PM

Venue: Zsiráf Buda, Millenáris, Budapest 1024, Kis Rókus utca 2-4.

Please register here at your earliest convenience but no later than 14 May, 2024.

Participation fees:

For members: HUF 15 000

For non-members: HUF 20 000

The prices include drink bar (wine, beer, water, juices) for 3 hours and some light snacks.  Additional consumption is to be paid individually on site.

The participation fees for members apply to members of the Dutcham, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, and Swisscham Hungary. In case of cancellation after 14 May, the participation fee will be invoiced.

Looking forward to meeting you there!



Date: May 8, 2024, at 15.00

This year we will have elections for the Board memberships.

The formal program of the General Assembly will be followed by a networking activity and snacks.

16.04.2024, 9.00

REPOSITIONING THE WORKPLACE – Into effective & meaningful community

Based on the success of our joint meet-ups, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, Dutcham, and Swisscham Hungary kindly invite you to their next CEO & HR forum event.

  • What makes office time and space meaningful and effective? (for the employees and employers)
  • How can you build constructive cooperating communities of different generations?
  • What are the latest best practices of creating blended office solutions?

Please find more information and registration details here.



The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, the Netzwerk Digital Collaboration (German-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Swisscham Hungary) in cooperation with the Artificial Intelligence Coalition kindly invite you to our joint workshop.

Main focus areas:

  • Legal background
  • Case studies on AI introduction projects – How to start a project? What is needed?
  • Panel discussion with experts




– András Boráros–Bakucz, Head of Research and Development, Ericsson Hungary;

– Roland Jakab, President of AI Coalition & Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary;

– Júlia Lipovecz, Director of Swisscham Hungary – on behalf of   Netzwerk Digital



Dr. Marc-Tell MADL, MPK Partners Ügyvédi Társulás



Dániel Szilágyi, CEO, WeSpeakAI



Géza Fülöp PhD, Managing Director, Qamcom Central Europe


PANEL DISCUSSION – Moderator: László Személyi, Project Lead, Technology Consultant, Neumann Technology Platform

– dr. Viktor Vajda, Deputy of Managing Director, Neumann Technology Platform

– Tamás Papp, COO, Collab IT

– Benedek Kovács, Head of Technology and Innovation, Ericsson Hungary R&D

– Dániel Szilágyi, CEO, WeSpeakAI



Participation is free of charge for members of the organizing partners, but registration is needed here latest by 7 April

Participation fee for non-members: 14.900 HUF

(In case of no show or cancellation after 8 April participation fee will be invoiced to members also)



Energy efficiency and sustainability are continuously very important for manufacturing companies.

Already 10% reduction of energy consumption can mean 10 million forint saving in some cases.

During the event you can listen to best practice examples from firms in Hungary (as Skanska from our Chamber) on energy efficiency, as well ESG actualities in Hungary and information on trainings organised by the knowledge centre of the German Chamber.

Venue: Advantage Austria (Trade Office of the Embassy of Austria), 1062 Budapest, Délibáb utca 21.

Please find the presentations in Hungarian below:

Az energiahatékonyság az iparban, Kottmayer Krisztina, Német-Magyar Tudásközpont Kft.

ESG – Aktualitások és tudnivalók a magyarországi vállalatok számára, Kovács Bálint, DUWZ szakértő; Stradamus Zrt.

Vállalati Best Practice-k bemutatása:


Mind the Gender Pay Gap and Take Action Now!

WeAreOpen, in collaboration with Team Sweden in Hungary, launched a Women’s Day Action Plan for companies on how to Close the Pay Gap in the frame of an interactive workshop.

The initiative aims to raise awareness of gender economic inequality and provide companies with concrete proposals for equal pay.

Although the principle of equal pay for equal work was introduced in 1957 by the Treaty of Rome, the gender pay gap remains a challenge in Europe. While the EU average has been slowly but steadily decreasing – from 17.4% in 2012 to 13.5% in 2021 – the gender pay gap in Hungary has tended to fluctuate: according to EU data, it was 19.1% in 2002 and 17.5% in 2022 (the lowest in 2015 and 2016, at 14%). Put simply, this means that, for the same work, women earn on average less than men per hour.

In response to this phenomenon, We Are Open, together with the Embassy of Sweden and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, presented a document that offers companies an action plan to close the gender pay gap.

“Closing the pay gap can increase efficiency and productivity in the long term, as people are more motivated to work, can perform better professionally, and feel better about themselves when they see that they are paid fairly and equally and have equal opportunities for promotion within the company. On the other hand, the legislative environment also puts pressure on firms. The EU Equal Pay Directive must be transposed into national law by the summer of 2026. After that, companies will have to report on the pay gap. Thirdly, there is a moral argument, and that is that we have the opportunity in the 21st century to review social constructs that have led to structural inequality,” said Nóra Várady, CEO of WeAreOpen.

In the action plan, the organization outlines specific steps to reduce the pay gap, including:

  • ensuring a transparent salary and benefits system
  • pay scales in job advertisements
  • the introduction of flexible working arrangements for family workers and consideration of the introduction of paternity leave
  • the introduction of programs to remove the glass ceiling and support female talent, as well as gender equality measures in early promotions
  • developing inclusive recruitment processes, for example by making information on family allowances available in job advertisements, or structuring interview questions to ensure that professional rather than family planning aspects are taken into account in an interview, irrespective of gender.

“Changing the situation is not easy and awareness of the problem needs to be raised by business leaders, legislators, educators, and many others. Society needs to understand that there is no such thing as ‘female jobs’, or ‘male jobs’. Reducing the pay gap will stimulate the economy as women will have more resources to spend which would increase the gross domestic product. So, a win-win situation for people, the economy, and society! “- said Diana Madunic, Sweden’s Ambassador to Hungary,

You can find a short report on the topic on here.

The photo gallery presents the atmosphere of the event and the workshop well.

27.02.2024, 15.00 – 17.00


IKEA and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary kindly invite you to our next CEO&HR Forum; to an informal discussion on actual HR challenges on the Hungarian market.

  • What are the main challenges today on the Hungarian job market?
  • (How) has the situation changed in the past years and what are your thoughts on future developments?
  • How Swedish companies handle increasing salaries and growing benefit expectations of the employees?
  • How can we attract and retain talents in this environment?

The goal of the event is to share experience and best practices within HR and People management in an informal and sharing atmosphere.

Come and join an active dialogue with colleagues at other Swedish companies!

Participation is free of charge for SCCH members, but registration is required no later than 21 February here.

20.02.2024, 14.00 – 15.30

The product fee system – best practices

Based on the positive feedback and the expressed need on further discussions on product fee system, we have asked our expert, Levente Borsányi-Bognár from e-Termékdí Kft. to give an online presentation on

  • Experience gained based on the first 6 months
    • Good practices,
    • Where can we make mistakes
    • Where can we make modifications after submission, how can we self-check
  • Best-practices, cases on e.g. different packaging, renaming, any exceptions found, etc.

The language of the event is Hungarian.

Participation is free for SCCH members, but registration is required at Participation costs 10,000 HUF for non-members.



The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary is co-partner of the business lunch, organized by the Hungarian-French Chamber of Commerce on “2024 Economic outlook for Hungary” with Márton Nagy, Minister for National Economy.

Date: 23 January, 2024; Lunch time (exact time will be specified soon)

Venue: Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest, (1051 Budapest, Erzsébet tér 7-8.)

The language of the event is ENGLISH.

Please see registration and further details here.

For SCCH members “MFKI registration fee” applies. Please mark “Swedish Chamber of Commerce” during the registration process.



Lucia celebration has always been unique for the Swedish community. Coming together in the darkest days is of great importance every year.

Music, light,  glögg and pepparkakor bring the Lucia spirit to us.

Big thanks to our partners, Electrolux Hungary, Intrum, Nefab Group, SAAB and Volvo Trucks for supporting the Embassy of Sweden and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary to make the event possible. 

30.11. 2023, 17.00


Our keynote speaker will be Mr. Márton Nagy, Minister of Economic Development.


17.00 – Resgistration

17.30 – Opening remarks

17.35 – Keynote speech by Mr. Márton Nagy, Minister of Economic Development

18.00 – Reception

Please note that the event is open only for members of Nordic business organizations


23.11.2023, 8.30 – 10.00


Venue: Residence of the Ambassador of Sweden

Mr.István Joó, CEO of HIPA introduced the modified incentive programs of the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency.

Please find photos and more information here and here.

The event is open for SCCH members only.

8.11. 2023, 9.00 – 10.30

SCCH MANUFACTURING PLATFORM – Sustainable Packaging and the new product fee system

Production companies are continuously investigating how they can develop their packaging to make it more sustainable and effective.

Besides, there are several open questions in connection to the recently introduced product fee system.

During the session you can hear best practices and get answer to some of your questions.


  1. How can we make packaging more sustainable and cost effective? – by Bálint Tóth, Managing Director of Nefab Hungary
  2. Tips & tricks for the implementation of the new product fee system –- by Levente Borsányi-Bognár, Managing Director of e-Termékdí Kft
  3. Q&A and discussion

25.10.2023, 18.00 – 20.00


The purpose of the event is to promote informal networking among the members and partners of the three chambers. Join us for a drink and an accompanying meal, while making valuable business and friendship connections in the pleasant atmosphere of Paulaner Sörház.

Venue: Paulaner Sörház, MOM Park, 1123 Budapest, Alkotás u. 53.

Please register here at your earliest convenience but no later than 23 October 2023.

Participation fees:

For members: HUF 6 000, For non-members: HUF 10 000

The participation fees for members apply to members of the Dutcham, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, and Swisscham Hungary.

The prices include a drink and an accompanying meal that can be selected based on a menu. Additional consumption is to be paid individually on site.

18.10. 2023, 8.40 – 11.00

NEW WHISTLEBLOWING LAW – a burden or a chance to develop trust?

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, and Visegrad+ Legal cordially invite you to the next CEO&HR meet-up on the

NEW WHISTLEBLOWING LAW – a burden or a chance to develop trust?

Venue: Electrolux Showroom, 1133 Budapest Váci út 80. (Promenade Gardens, entrance from Révész utca)

EU Whistleblower Directive has been implemented in Hungary and a number of companies must comply by Christmas.

– “Yet another pain in the neck in the middle of the year-end madness”, one might think

Come and join this professional session to hear about an easy-to-adopt solution and listen to examples, experiences, challenges and best practices from ABB, Sodexo and other companies!

Please find agenda and registration details here.

We would like to tailor make the event, and get an overview in advance. Therefore we would appreciate if you took 2 minutes to answer the questions here, even if you cannot participate this time

Participation is free of charge for SCCH members and costs 9000 HUF for non-members

10.10.2023, 8:45 – 11:00


The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, Skool and Sigma Technology cordially invite you to this exciting workshop.

Venue: Sigma Technology, 1093 Budapest, Közraktár u. 30-32. 6th floor

In one way or another, we have all been touched by the vast capabilities, and also some of the threats, AI is bringing.

Skool helps kids get to know and learn about the marvels of technology. During the event, we will learn more about Skool, what they do for business and society, and why it is important for companies to care.

We will also learn more about AI, and how we, current users, can benefit from it already today.

Please find agenda and registration details here.

Participation is free of charge for SCCH members and organizing partners.

Please note that members of SCCH and organizing partners have priority at the registration as places are limited.

28.09. 2023, 8.30 – 10.30


The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Institute, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary and AmCham cordially invite you to an exclusive Business Breakfast Program on

Understanding EU Sanctions against Russia.

As a valued member of the Swedish-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce we believe that this event will provide invaluable insights into the implications and challenges posed by the EU sanctions and Russian counter-sanctions.

Date: 28 September 2023, 8.30 – 10.30

Place: Budapest Bar Association, 1055 Budapest, Szalay utca 7.

Please find agenda, registration details and more information in the attached invitation to the breakfast.

As seating is limited, we encourage early responses to secure your place.

RSVP by 20 September

This event is an exclusive program for SCCH and AmCham members in connection to the Fourth SCC East-West Forum on “Dispute Resolution and Legal Services amidst EU Sanctions and Russian Counter-Sanctions” during the afternoon, which is dedicated to a comprehensive analysis of the implications of EU sanctions in international disputes.

For both events we have assembled a panel of renowned experts in international law, who will share their knowledge and practical experience to provide you with a clear understanding of the complexities surrounding EU sanctions against Russia and their implications on businesses.

Please find more information and registration to the afternoon conference here.

You and your interested colleagues are welcome to both events. The events are free of charge and will be conducted in English

For any inquiries or further information, please contact Márta Böddi (

26.09.2023, 9.00 – 12.00


Energy efficiency and sustainability are continuously very important for manufacturing companies.

Already 10% reduction of energy consumption can mean 10 million forint saving in some cases.

During the event you can listen to best practice examples from firms in Hungary (as Airvent from SCCH), as well as a general overview of the current situation and the prospects of industrial energy efficiency in Hungary and information on trainings organised by the knowledge centre of the German Chamber.

Venue: German Hungarian Chamber (H-1024 Budapest, Lövőház u. 30.).

You can find detailed information on the event and registration details here (in Hungarian and German).

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.

The language of the event is Hungarian.

26.09. 2023, 15.45


DIGIC and SCCH present:


Have you ever thought about how digital animals can move so realistically?

Did you know that cinematics for triple A video games like Assassin’s Creed or Call of Duty are produces in Hungary?

Come and look behind the scenes and discover a new world!

Venue: DIGIC,  Graphisoft Park, bldg Hz, 1031  Budapest, Záhony utca 7.

You can find more information and registration details here.

Please note that due to limited seats SCCH members have priority in the registration process.

19.09.2023, 10.00 – 12.30


As a co-partner of AmCham Hungary,  the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, in partnership with the French-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the German – Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, The Netherlands-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce in Budapest, and SwissCham Hungary cordially invites you to our upcoming event with Sándor Pintér, Minister of Interior.


  • 10:00-10:40: Arrival and registration
  • 10:45-11:30: Business Forum
  • 11:30-12:30: Reception

Location: InterContinental Budapest (Address: 1052 Budapest, Apáczai Csere János utca 12-14.)

Please click here for registration.

Deadline for registration: September 13, 17:00.

Participation fee:

  • AmCham & SCCH members and members of partner organizations: 29,990 HUF+VAT/person
  • Non-members: 40,000 HUF+VAT/person

Cancellation policy: please note that written cancellations made by Wednesday, September 13 receive a full refund. Late cancellations or “no-shows” will be charged.

The event will be held in Hungarian with translation to English.


20.06. 2023

Swedish Midummer Reception

On the occasion of the Swedish Midsummer, the end of Sweden’s EU Presidency and to bid farewell, to H.E. Mr Dag Hartelius, the Ambassador of Sweden to Hungary.

Organized by the Embassy of Sweden and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary.

15.06.2023, 9.00 – 11.00


Based on the success of our joint meet-up on motivation in March, Dutcham, Swisscham and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary kindly invite you to their next CEO & HR forum event.

Venue: Electrolux Showroom, 1133 Budapest Váci út 80. (Promenade Gardens, entrance from Révész utca)

Join the event and

– listen to the key note presentations on the newest trends on generations/behaviour expectations from different aspects by Erika Némethi, Randstad and Ipsos
 learn from your colleagues about practices at different companies from various sectors as Electrolux and IKEA and participate in the discussion of best practices!


Please consider that places are limited.

Free of charge for SCCH members and organizing partners. 9000 HUF for non-members.

Late cancellations or no shows will be invoiced for ALL registered persons


10.05. 2023

Energy saving best practices for production sites

The goal of this online meeting is to share practical experience with each other which can be introduced within relative short term and little financial investment.


  • Best practice sharing by József Csibra, Manufacturing Engineering Manager HUC & Launch Manager HUY at Electrolux
  • Further experience sharing
  • Q&A and discussion



Date: May 9, 2023, at 15.00

Location: Residence of the Ambassador of Sweden, 1126 Budapest, Diana utca 16/c

Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary has had its General Assembly Y2023.

We congratulate Thomas Straumits, Chairman of SCCH 2020-2022, who was voted as an Honorary Member of the Chamber and the newly elected Supervisory Board members.  

The official part was followed by a great team activity where some new members (Digic PicturesMAPI MAGYAR FEJLESZTÉSI IRODA Zrt.KÉSZ MetaltechSecuritas Security Services Hungary and Sigma Software Group) took the opportunity to bring actual topics to discuss with the others.
Big thanks to the Embassy of Sweden for hosting the event, KNP LAW Nagy Koppany Lencs & Partners for the professional legal support and Tamara Szabo & Kitti Nyakas from Co-Create for the great team activity facilitation!



04.05. 2023

Joint After Work Networking with Dutcham and Swisscham

Date: May 4, 2023, at 17.30

Location: Paulaner Sörház, MOM Park, 1123 Budapest, Alkotás u. 53.

We cordially invite you to our next joint event with Dutcham and Swisscham Hungary.

The purpose of the event is to promote informal networking among the members and partners of the three chambers. Join us for a drink and an accompanying meal, while making valuable business and friendship connections in the pleasant atmosphere of Paulaner Sörház. 

Please register here at your earliest convenience but no later than 2 May 2023.

Participation fees: For members: HUF 6 000, For non-members: HUF 10 000

The participation fees for members apply to members of the Dutcham, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, and Swisscham Hungary.

The prices include a drink and an accompanying meal that can be selected based on a menu. Additional consumption is to be paid individually on site.


Innovációra Magyar! – Innovation Conference

SCCH kindly invites you to  the professional event of our partner organization, the Joint Venture Association, “Innovációra Magyar!”  Innovation Conference.

Date: 21 April 2023.  8:00 – 16:00

Venue: Bosch Budapest Innovation Campus, (1103, Budapest, Vaspálya utca 58.)

Focus points of the conference:

  • The importance of the innovation ecosystem – Hungarian and international best practices
  • Innovations in the service of a sustainable future
  • Successful Hungarian innovations on the international market

Exciting panel discussions and exclusive presentations will be on stage. Outstanding corporate and government experts with significant experience who are contributing to the development of a sustainable future in Hungary will share their knowledge, insights and innovative ideas.

More details and tickets are available here:

SCCH members can participate for the discounted price, after registering to the system during the purchase process.

Please note that the language of the event will be Hungarian!

28.03. 2023


Leadership Brunch with the Embassy of Sweden, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary and WeAreOpen

Sweden ranks first in the EU Gender Equality Index and many Swedish companies work actively to ensure diversity and gender equality at the workplace.

The most important takeaways of the event include the need for cooperation to share company best practices and what businesses can learn from each other. Furthermore, our guests discussed why diversity and gender equality makes business sense and creates value and purpose that can uplift diverse workforce. This mindset leads to innovation, sustainability, and economic opportunities.

Please find agenda here.

We strongly recommend to watch this film – produced by Essity (Zewa) to the Hungary market – that highlights the bases of equality.

If you missed the event, feel free to check out the photos and our social media platforms.  


Beyond motivation – Where (self)discipline starts?

From great idea to execution:

 – What and where can go wrong with an apparently motivated person/team during implementation?

What are the solutions to disciplined execution?

Join the conversations and get inspired by your colleagues from other Swedish and Dutch companies during a WORLD CAFÉ!

Venue: Kinnarps Hungary Kft., Váci út 92., 1133 Budapest


Free of charge for SCCH members and organizing partners.
9000 HUF for non-members.
Late cancellations or no shows will be invoiced for ALL registered persons.

16.02. 2023


címmel tart online tájékoztatót és konzultációt a Bács-Kiskun Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara a svéd piacra készülő, vagy a már ott jelen lévő, de üzleti kapcsolatait bővíteni kívánó vállalkozásoknak.

Meghívott előadóink:

Böddi Márta – igazgató, Magyarországi Svéd Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara

Pataki Michael – alelnök, vezérigazgató-helyettes, tulajdonos, Airvent Zrt

  • A svéd vállalati kultúra bemutatása – elméleti és gyakorlati szemszögből

Rusz BoglárkaKülgazdasági attasé, Magyarország Nagykövetsége, Stockholm

  • Piacra jutási lehetőség magyar vállalkozások számára
  • Gyakorlati tanácsok

A webinárium teljes időtartama alatt lehetőségük nyílik kérdések feltevésére, illetve azokat előzetesen is elküldhetik az online jelentkezési felületen.

A rendezvényen való részvétel rendezett kamarai regisztrációval rendelkező vállalkozásoknak díjmentes, de előzetes regisztrációhoz kötött.

 Kérjük részvételi szándékát legkésőbb 2023. február 14-ig szíveskedjenek jelezni itt:


Tisztelettel várjuk rendezvényünkön!


 “Economic Outlook for Hungary 2023” with Minister for Economic Development

As a co-partner of the French-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and other business associations, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary participated on a year opening Business Lunch “Economic Outlook for Hungary 2023” with Minister for Economic Development Márton Nagy.

According to Minister Márton Nagy, the year 2023 holds many economic challenges, however recession must be avoided and the government will maintain innovative economic policy for that.

He emphasized that Hungary’s economic growth remains export- and investment-driven, for which a new financing structure and a new energy, industry, and employment policy must be established.

The system of strategic sectors must also be reconsidered, and stronger sectoral and territorial focus is needed. Priority sectors may be the vehicle industry and battery production, health and pharmaceutical industry, energy industry, food industry, R&D and higher education, transport and logistics, telecommunications, tourism, electronics industry, banking and insurance sectors, military industry.
The conference brought together numerous member companies of organizing chambers from diverse sectors as well as ambassadors of the represented countries.

13. 12. 2022


After two years of online events, Team Sweden celebrated Lucia in person this year.

Glögg, pepparkakor, music and the light of hope in the darkest days of the year.

A peaceful, yet wonderful way to end an otherwise very hectic year 2022.

Get into the Christmas spirit with us by looking at the photos and listening to Lucia songs and enjoying this video.

Big thanks to our partners for making this event possible: SAAB, Sigma Technology, Nefab Packaging, Electrolux Hungary, Intrum, Volvo Car Hungary, Volvo Trucks Hungary, Mölnlycke Health Care Hungary, Dometic, Betsson, Visegrád Legal, IKEA, Fjällräven


Artificial Intelligence Conference

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, the Netzwerk Digital Collaboration (Advantage Austria, German-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Swisscham) in cooperation with the Artificial Intelligence Coalition kindly invite you to our joint Artificial Intelligence conference.


– EU Funding for AI development,
– Customer relations with AI,
– Workshop with real-time case studies in manufacturing and office solutions


Please find the presentations below:

1. MFOI – EU Funding opportunities for AI

2. Contum – AI based identification

3. it4all – Supporting use cases with the power of AI

You can see the photos of the event HERE.

21-22. 10. 2022


The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary kindly invites you to our Wine tour to Mátra, Gyöngyöspata.



Sustainability Highlights 2022

Join us for the launching event of the Swedish Sustainability Highlights brochure!
Get insights and expert opinions on two actual topics within sustainability from Sweden and Hungary:

  • Greenwashing: green or greenwashed?
  • Environmental, Social and Governance, ESG: a “nice to have” or a “must”?

Networking, keynote lectures and interactive panel discussions in a forward looking event with companies & Swedish and Hungarian sustainability experts.





27. 09. 2022, 17.00


The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary and Play’n GO kindly invite you to our Networking & afterwork discussion on Swedish Employer Branding.

Swedish companies are operating along strong core values, which are more and more important on the market.

  • How can we use our values to get better position on the job market?
  • What are the benefits of Swedish companies that we can utilize in the communication to existing and future employees?
  • How can Swedish companies co-operate to strengthen their position?





27.06.2022 – 03.07.2022



Last year, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce organized the first CSR Awareness Week in Hungary with great results. This year – between June 27 and July 3rd – many businesses and non-profits will have the possibility to create awareness towards CSR and to start a cooperation within a company or between organisations.

CSR Awareness Week has been launched in Hungary for the second time this year, between June 27 and the July 3rd. The aim of the campaign, which has been started by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary is to create awareness towards the importance of CSR among its members and in the Hungarian business sector. They would also like to inspire participants to find new ways to expand and communicate their responsibility activities.

Already last year, many Hungarian businesses, chambers and organisations joined the initiative, with Advantage Austria, AmCham, Belgabiz, Danish Business Club, Dutcham, CCI France Hongrie, Swisscham, Bridge Budapest, ÖKA, AIPM, HotelHero, HuGBC, LEO FM, National Association of Large Families in Hungary and Single Parents Club Foundation among them. This year further organizations were among the firsts that registered to take part as the German-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, the Irish-Hungarian Business Circle, IVSZ (Association of IT Enterprises), the Association of Hungarian Malls, and also the National Association of Managers and the Hungarian Tire Association signed up. Everyone interested can join by using the common logo and the hashtag #csrawarenessweek2022.

The first campaign last year achieved very good results: 160 posts and articles have been published, and 80 businesses, 40 organisations, 20 people shared their news and thoughts connected to CSR. Through this activity it became apparent, how multi-faceted corporate responsibility is: from helping children and supporting healthcare to diversity, sustainability and the wellbeing of employees lots of topics have been covered.

We are very curious, what campaigns and programs the participating organisations will communicate about. CSR is now an integrated part of business, still a lot of times it is talked about only internally. We think it is important to make these activities known by the wider public to inspire other businesses to start a sustainable, long term CSR strategy.” – told Roland Jakab, President of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary.

The Embassy of Sweden to Hungary has commissioned a survey in Hungary about CSR. According to that, companies are now realising the importance of the kind of CSR that they are doing, not only for clients but also for potential employees. It was also an interesting result that three-quarters of companies have already donated money for charitable causes and 56% of them have also organised volunteer work. Not only corporations are active in CSR: small- and medium sized companies support good causes in a similar proportion. But since many of them are not focusing on communication that much, the activities remain unknown by the wide public. CSR Awareness Week is aiming to change that.




A very inspiring event on (de)motivation of employees in cooperation with Dutcham.

Among many other topics, we have discussed that Motivation is an inner fire that we can glow through our emotions. It is the individual’s responsibility, and therefore ours, to keep this fire fueled in the long term. Many of us think that it is the leader’s responsibility to motivate us, however, this is not true. They can stimulate, they can inspire, they can lead. It’s their responsibility to continuously involve employees in business critical questions to keep them interested and motivated. But they cannot motivate. Motivation is a personal driving force coming from within therefore we are the only ones who should be responsible for it.

We should have an overall guiding vision of what we would like to achieve and identify steps that can get us there. And of course openness to problems and challenges during the journey we reach these goals.

We have also concluded that material goods and benefits only stimulate motivation for a limited period of time. They do not motivate in on their own, they only create a false impression. The short-term effect will be the same as before. However, it should be remembered that the role of material benefits is still essential to create a stable system. Below a certain level of benefits, we cannot talk about motivated people and a stable and positive corporate culture. Above a certain level, however, these benefits make a negligible contribution to self-fulfilment and motivation. There is an equilibrium between the two and achieving it can be a realistic goal for many of us.

If you are interested what other topics have been discussed, you can watch the recording of the event here.

You can find the detailed agenda in the invitation and the presentation slides of André Francois, Happy at Work here.


01.06.2022 – 26.06.2022


Based on the success of the last year’s CSR Awareness Week we would like to invite and encourage you to participate in this year’s activity as well commencing on 27 June 2022.

Similarly to last year, we are providing you with the basic information on how to participate in the CSR Awareness Week 2022. Registration will be open until June 22, participation is of course free of charge and additional information and tools will be shared with participants on June 23. Please share this communication with the appropriate team members of your company/association.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming an integral part of doing business. However, many times, the information and outcomes of the programs stay internal within the participating entities, missing out on the opportunity to drive inspiration to others.

The concept of a CSR Awareness Week was initiated by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary and our Chamber is happy to join and motivate our members to participate. During June 27- July 3, we are encouraging everyone involved in CSR activities in Hungary to join the positive communication flow and use their regular communication channels to raise awareness, visibility and communicate the value of their CSR activities under one joint umbrella logotype and hashtag (see below).

This activity is open to all linked to all companies, associations, business clubs, embassies, chambers and of course the entire NGO sector.

Preparatory steps:

  • Register your company/organization via the link here by latest June 22. Participation is free of charge.
  • Forward this communication to the right team members within your entity and start developing your own plan and collaterals and visual elements. We have enclosed the joint logotype (attached) and hashtag #csrawarenessweek2022 to be used in all communications related to this program

Action plan:

  • By the latest 23 June, registered participants will receive additional information about the program and participants, which can be leveraged in the final preparations for the week. This will include a joint introduction text which can be used at the start of the week to have an aligned message platform.
  • 27 June, Monday: Start the communication by sharing or publishing the common text above on your communication platforms (social media, webpage, newsletter, etc.)
    • Selected umbrella participants will be asked to share a joint press release to their press contacts. The Swedish Chamber of Commerce will coordinate this
  • 28 June – 3 July: all participants to share their own CSR stories, activities, etc. on their communications platforms with the common #csrawarenessweek2022 and logo
  • Week of 4 July: summary of the results

The summary of the week and last year’s results can be found here.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary ( in case you have any questions.



General Assembly, followed by a networking event

Location: Residence of the Ambassador of Sweden, 1126 Budapest, Diana utca 16/c.

Date: 19 May 2022, 16.00 – 19.00

In case the Assembly has no quorum present at above date, we will have the repeated General Assembly on 19 May 2022 at 16.15 pm with the original agenda items. Please note that the repeated General Assembly shall have a quorum irrespective of the number of members in attendance.

The formal program of the General Assembly will be followed by a networking / team building activity and a buffet dinner.

For further information and registration please contact Márta Böddi (



Innovation will always be a key theme for the Chamber and in strong partnership with the Austrian, German and Swiss Chamber, we will organize an event on Artificial Intelligence. This is a topic that usually stirs up a lot of emotions when people start thinking about how it can evolve. We have strong expertise within the Chamber and our Vice President, Roland Jakab will host the professional part of this interesting discussion on the 27th of April.

Please find agenda and more information in the invitation.


E-mobility – revolution or evolution?

Join us for exciting insights and expert opinions on the trends and development  plans of e mobility infrastructure in  Sweden and Hungary.

Networking, keynote lectures and an  interactive panel discussion in a forward looking workshop with companies  Swedish and Hungarian e-mobility  experts.






We are planning to have short, experimental Alphabetical speed dating & networking virtual events.

The idea is to help us bring together a much stronger community given that we welcomed so many new members in 2021. We are planning to have 4 sessions, with 12-13 companies invited. These sessions can help us to get to know other colleagues at member companies and will help the participants to contact for professional or other reasons separately. It will also be more natural to connect during the coming face to face events.



The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary kindly invites you to our CEO & HR Hybrid Meet-up:
State of the art: “Blue collar engagement and motivation”
24 February 2022, 9.00 – 11.00
Venue: Kinnarps Hungary Kft., Váci út 92., 1133 Budapest

With the official unemployment rate being below 4% in Hungary, companies have to be very considerate in driving a sustainable approach to recruiting, retaining and motivating their employees.

  • What tools do leaders have to motivate and engage blue collar employees?
  • How can we utilize modern IT technology, smart phones and apps?
  • What other non-IT solutions do we have to decrease fluctuation in manufacturing?

In the upcoming CEO & HR session, we will share some of the great learnings and tools that our community is utilizing but also provide an opportunity for peer-to-peer discussions. All managers responsible for both blue- and white collar employees can learn about

  • how IKEA is building on Swedish values to motivate their employees;
  • two applications (Blue Colibri App and Talk-A-Bot) that can support communication and engagement with blue collar employees in different ways;
  • exciting solutions by Orbán Consulting for engaging employees and decreasing fluctuation within manufacturing in Hungary.



Music, light, hope and compassion build our unique Lucia celebration.

The Embassy of Sweden and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary welcome you to our digital celebration released on the 13th of December at 09.00.

The pandemic challenges us as individuals, families and communities.

Coming together now is more important than ever.



Big thanks again for KNP LAW Nagy Koppany Lencs & Partners and Electrolux for navigating us through in this complex and sometimes tricky area and for Kinnarps Hungary Kft. for the perfect location and professional technical arrangement!

Many were interested in the event, however indicated that they could not participate due to other obligations.

You can watch the video of the whole event here.

Please find some photos of the event here.

As offered during the event, do not hesitate to contact KNP Law in case you have further questions or would like to assess your risk exposure before launching your company strategies.



OPTIMIZING “BACK TO THE OFFICE” – Strategies and adapting to new leadership challenges

Date&Time: 22 September, 9.00 – 11.00
Venue: Kinnarps Hungary Kft., Váci út 92., 1133 Budapest

How do we attract employees to work again in the office?
What strategies and tools will work best for the hybrid model?
Which are the new opportunities and challenges for leaders in our organization?



The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, in cooperation with the Embassy of Sweden in Budapest, continues its journey of creating or reviving platforms of business communication and cooperation. Our guest of honor at our latest Business Forum was Prof. Dr. László Palkovics, Minister for Innovation and Technology, who gave a comprehensive presentation and overview on Hungarian industrial and technological strategy.
During the Business Forum we also had the opportunity to introduce to the Minister and also our members the new ‘Swedish Innovation Highlights in Hungary 2021’ brochure with many examples of joint innovation from the two countries. Swedish companies serve as ambassadors of innovative partnership: we pride ourselves in building cooperation on trust, one of the cornerstones of ‘Swedishness’, and also on transparency, equality in all its forms and shapes, quality, innovative spirit and sustainable, environmentally conscious development.

Download the ‘Swedish Innovation Highlights in Hungary 2021’ brochure

2021 – JUNE 28 – JULY 4


June 28 – July 4

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming an integral part of doing business and can often be a competitive advantage. However, we have learned during our CSR event in April and also through a study ordered by the Embassy of Sweden, that external communication of the value and results of these type of cooperation and activities can be challenging for many actors.

During June 28- July 4, we are encouraging everyone involved in CSR activities in Hungary to join the positive communication flow and use their regular communication channels to raise awareness, visibility and communicate the value of their CSR activities under one joint umbrella logotype and hashtag.

This activity is open to all linked to all companies, associations, business clubs, embassies, chambers and of course the entire NGO sector.

The concept is really simple: share your own CSR stories, activities, etc. on your communications platforms during the week June 28-July 4 by using the common logo and #csrawarenessweek2021.

2021 – JUNE 28 – JULY 4


The Swedish Chamber of Commerce hosts the first Hungarian CSR Awareness Week from June 28 to July 4. The event aims to raise awareness of the importance of corporate social responsibility, enable companies to share experiences from their CSR campaigns, and inspire each other to operate in a socially conscious way.



Dear All,

Online Hiring & On-boarding has been well received during the pandemic by both candidates and hiring managers stated the expert panel during the recent HR-forum organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary




5 sectors, 5 experienced top managers and a forward looking dialogue building on the key learnings that drove the transformation in 2020 – 2021

Did we really need a pandemic to transform our companies and business models?
Which were the key learnings from the transformation?
How will we be doing business in the “new normal”? Will we go back or are the transformations sustainable?
Date: 25 May, 15.00 – 16.15


Dr. Ágnes Fábián, Managing Director, Henkel Magyarország Kft.
Markus Hilken, Managing Director, SAP Labs Hungary
Roland Jakab, Head of Strategy Central Europe, Ericsson
Eva Malá Beluská, Regional Business Transformation and Development Manager, IKEA
András Sávos, Vice President Global Enterprise Systems and Strategic Projects Knorr-Bremse Systeme für Schienenfahrzeuge GmbH; President, DUIHK
Moderator: Thomas Straumits, President, SCCH; Strategic Lead, Merck Sharp & Dohme



Dear SCCH Members,

As Secretary General of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, I am pleased to invite you to the Y2021 General Assembly of the Chamber.

Date: 20 May 2021 at 12.00 – 13.30

Location: The General Assembly will be held by the recommendation of the Presidency as an online event. We will have a Teams meeting: Click here to join the meeting

In case the Assembly has no quorum present at above date, we will have the repeated General Assembly on 20 May 2021 at 12.15 pm, in the same online form, and with the original agenda items. Please note that the repeated General Assembly shall have a quorum irrespective of the number of members in attendance.

Proposed agenda:

Welcome and notes from the Ambassador of Sweden, H.E. Dag Hartelius;
Short introduction of the new members;
Approval of the Agenda;
Election of Chairman of the General Assembly, two Attesters of the Minutes, and two Ballot Counters;
Presentation and approval of the Financial Report for the Y2020;
Grating exemption for the Board for Y2020;
Presentation and approval of the Chamber’s budget for Y2021;
Approval of the proposed amendments to the Deed of Foundation of the Chamber;
Election of the two members of the Election Committee;
RSPV: till 18 May EOB.



Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming an integral part of doing business and can often be a competitive advantage.

  • What is an effective CSR program?
  • How can it be incorporated into company strategy to be a benefit and not a cost?
  • How can CSR create sustainable value to the company and society?




The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, in cooperation with Orban Consulting kindly invite you to two INTERCULTURAL MANAGEMENT SESSIONS: Successful cooperation with Swedish managers and business partners.
Dates: 23rd and 30th March, 9.00 – 10.00

During the two focused one-hour sessions, our effective trainers will deliver deep insights using short examples and case studies into intercultural differences and similarities in the working relationship with Swedish business partners and managers.


Klara Denzin, Intercultural Trainer and Senior Consultant, Orban Consulting
Eva Degerman, Swedish Business Expert, Orban Consulting

Session 1 (23rd March):
Culture, perception and intercultural competence
Leading multicultural teams
Successful communication
Building trust
Time management

Session 2 (30th March):
Hierarchy and leadership culture
How Swedish leaders make decisions
Convincing a business partner
The art of saying no
Summary and outlook

Registration: You will get the invitation to the Zoom meetings after registering here until 16th of March.

Participation is free for SCCH members, 10,000 HUF for one workshop and 15,000 HUF for both workshops for non-members.

Please do not hesitate to contact Márta Böddi in case you have any questions! ( or +36 30 456 3713)

Kind regards,

SCCH Secretariat





The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, in cooperation with Orban Consulting kindly invite you to two INTERCULTURAL MANAGEMENT SESSIONS: Successful cooperation with Swedish managers and business partners.
Dates: 23rd and 30th March, 9.00 – 10.00

During the two focused one-hour sessions, our effective trainers will deliver deep insights using short examples and case studies into intercultural differences and similarities in the working relationship with Swedish business partners and managers.


Klara Denzin, Intercultural Trainer and Senior Consultant, Orban Consulting
Eva Degerman, Swedish Business Expert, Orban Consulting

Session 1 (23rd March):
Culture, perception and intercultural competence
Leading multicultural teams
Successful communication
Building trust
Time management

Session 2 (30th March):
Hierarchy and leadership culture
How Swedish leaders make decisions
Convincing a business partner
The art of saying no
Summary and outlook

Registration: You will get the invitation to the Zoom meetings after registering here until 16th of March.

Participation is free for SCCH members, 10,000 HUF for one workshop and 15,000 HUF for both workshops for non-members.

Please do not hesitate to contact Márta Böddi in case you have any questions! ( or +36 30 456 3713)

Kind regards,

SCCH Secretariat





As requested by our members, we have now activated the HR Forum and held our first inaugural event with almost 30 participants on 27th of January with a workshop on “Key Learnings from the Pandemic”. Three HR Managers from our member companies, representing different sectors discussed challenges and shared their experiences, gained during 2020 due to the pandemics, in the frame of an online panel discussion.
The panelists were:

Zoltán Könczöl, Country HR Manager at Electrolux,
Eva Mengs, People and Culture Manager, IKEA CZHUSK,
Alexandra Sáfár-Vincze, People Business Partner Hungary at Ericsson

The session was moderated by Márta Böddi, Secretary General, Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary

During the workshop we had the opportunity among others to hear that all 3 companies started the preparations long before the local regulations, based on their international experiences. We can proudly say that they made much more than it was obligatory, in order to protect and support their employees and customers as much as they could. One of the key learning was that their managers acknowledged that online processes and working methodologies performed much better than expected.

Next step:
The Swedish Chamber intends to continue the discussions within the HR Forum and we are open towards ideas for topics to discuss or what areas you are interested in more details. We suggest to establish an HR working group which will take an active part in setting the path forward of the Swedish HR Forum, together with the Secretariat. It is up to us how we utilize our joint forces!

If you are interested in joining us, please reach out to us: or join us on Facebook or LinkedIn to learn more.




25 years ago, a few Swedish companies decided to confirm their commitment to Hungary by establishing the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary. Some of them had been here already since 1907, some of them arrived later, but what they have in common is that they brought partnerships, innovative solutions and products which greatly contributed to the economic growth of Hungary.

Our celebration will highlight our innovative side of the companies and the value they have brought and how they and their products/services have developed and changed our everyday as a result.



Nothing can stop us from celebrating Lucia and spending some time together safely, online. The Embassy of Sweden and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary welcome you all to a unique Lucia celebration on 13th December at 09.00.



We are happy to announce that the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary was among the first business associations together with AmCham, Swisscham and BELGABIZ, who signed the Conscious Business Culture Declaration of Bridge Budapest.



The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary (SCCH) aims to expand economic and commercial relations between Sweden and Hungary. Today, there are over 130 Swedish companies employing Hungarian talent and investing in the country. Many of these organizations are members of SCCH, including Volvo, Electrolux, Ericsson, ABB, and Sigma Technology, among others. Thomas Straumits is a newly elected President of the Chamber, and he is optimistic about developing cooperation between these two European countries.
Read the full article at



Over the past years the Hungarian financial indicators have exceeded the expectations, however recent challenges with COVID 19 have turned the economy up and down.

The survival of the national economy will depend on the ability of Hungary to appropriately react and proactively mitigate the impacts.
Macroeconomics has always been an important factor to consider for our Swedish companies in our business decisions how and where to invest.

On Oct 21, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce held a well-visited webinar titled ”Outlook on the Hungarian macroeconomic climate”.
Our moderator, Péter Felfalusi CEO of Intrum led the panel across a wide area of pre-submitted questions and topics with three distinguished experts:

András Vértes, Chairman, GKI Economic Research
Sándor Jobbágy, Senior Macroeconomic Analyst, Concorde Securities
Dávid Németh, Senior Analyst, K&H Bank

Macroeconomics focuses mainly on three areas: GDP, unemployment, and inflation. They are managed by governments and central banks, who set the macroeconomic policies including fiscal and monetary policy to stabilize the economy and central banks using monetary policy to increase or decrease the money supply, and use fiscal policy to adjust government spending.

Our experts discussed their views on the national strategies during the 1st and 2nd wave of COVID-19 but also their projections on how the HUF would be impacted by these strategies over the next few years. While inflation in Hungary will continue to be in the 4% range, it is expected that our GDP will be back to 2019 levels by 2022.

What did the experts think about the “new future” after COVID -19?
The answer to that and many more questions can be found on this podcast which will be available for you until Nov 8.

Thomas Straumits



Venue: LARUS Restaurant (1124. Budapest, Csörsz u. 18.b)

Date&Time: Wednesday, 01 July, 2020 at 11:00


1. Approval of the Agenda;
2. Adoption of the Chamber’s annual financial statements 2019;
3. Granting a discharge to the Presidency;
4. Adoption of the draft budget for the financial year 2020; 5. Election of the Chamber’s Chairman and the members of the Presidency;
5. Election of the members of the Supervisory Board
6. Other

The Annual General Meeting will be followed by a lunch (HUF 8,900/person)

RSVP: or +36 30 970 8433.

Please note that this will be the Ordinary Annual General Meeting initially scheduled for April 7, 2020, and subsequently postponed (by our email dated April 1, 2020) due to the measures taken by the Hungarian Government to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. In the email mentioned we promised to convene the postponed meeting as soon as the circumstances will make it possible.

The postponed annual meeting, now rescheduled for July 1, 2020, has obviously the same Agenda, but the venue is different due to unavailability of the initial venue.



At the 24th Lucia Day Celebration Mr. Ambassador, H.E. Dag Hartelius welcomed the audience. Our President, János Takács made his traditional opening speech. Rita Istivan and Ferenc Doktor handed over the gift to Honorary Board Member Nils Borgström for his loyalty and devoted work in organizing Lucia Day Celebrations through 24 years.

Waldorf Student Choir performed traditional Swedish and Hungarian Christmas songs.

This year sponsor of the event were:

IKEA, János Takács, Ferenc Doktor and Nils Borgström.

The traditional buffet of Swedish cuisine was delivered directly from Sweden to the Swedish table of ELTE Aula Restaurant.

Concert was provided by accordionist MIHÁLY DEMENIV.

A special highlight of the event was the draw of different IKEA gifts and foodboxes.



Date&Time: Monday 27 May, 2019 at 11:00
Venue: Gundel’s Andrássy Hall (1146 Budapest, Gundel Károly út 4.)

The SCCH kindly invites you to its General Meeting, Presentation and Business Luncheon.

Dear SCCH Members,

On behalf of Mr. János Takács, President of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary,
we kindly invite you to our General Meeting
to be held in Gundel’s Andrássy Hall on Monday 27 May, 2019 at 11:00
( 1146 Budapest, Gundel Károly út 4. )

If the quorum is not met, the General Meeting will be reconvened in the same place on the same day at 11:30.

General Meeting: 11:00 – 12:00
Presentations: 12:00 – 12:45
Lunch: 12:45 – 14:15

Participation fee : HUF 13.500


  • Opening of the meeting
  • Announcement by the President and Chairman of the Board
  • Presidency’s written annual report
  • Adoption of the Chamber’s annual financial statements for 2018
  • Granting of discharge to the Presidency
  • Adoption of the draft budget for 2019
  • Closing of the meeting

After the General Meeting we invite all our Members for the lectures of the Winners of the Gran Prize 2018, Professor DR. Péter Mizsey on the winning project, research project of novel, innovative method for removal and reuse of organic halogen compounds from process wastewater: an industrial example of circular economy and Mr. István Weeber about his WaterFilm Technology, roof cooling methods in climate optimisation of industrial halls.

Hope to meet You at the meeting.

Best regards,

Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary
Telephone: +36 30 9708 433



Venue: Central European University, 1051 Budapest Nádor utca 15.
Date&Time: 16 April 2019., 09.00 am

Driving for Business Performance in a Digitalized World
Best-practice sharing for company executives



Date: 05 March 2019. (Tuesday), 12.00 – 14.30
(Registration: from 11.30)

Venue: SOFITEL Budapest Chain Bridge – Belle Vue Room
(1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István Square 2.)

The special guest will be Melanie Seymour CEO at BlackRock



cooking, eating, networking…
Cooking is about more than eating. We’re networking through cooking and using it to communicate! We can exchange our experiences and future plans.

This evening each participant will receive a partner, they prepare the food together: cheesfondue or Zurich Ragout (Zürcher Gesschnetzeltes in German) with Roestli.



Date: 12 February 2019, 13.00-14.30
(Registration from 12:30)

Venue: Sofitel Budapest Chain Bridge – Belle Vue hall
(1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 2.)

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary

Hungarian-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
Joint Venture Association Hungary,
the Netherlands-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce in Budapest,
the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce,
the British Chamber of Commerce in Hungary
the SwissCham Hungary and the Danish Business Club

cordially invites you to a Business Lunch with guest speaker Levente Magyar Parlamentary Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The perspectives of the Hungarian Economy for 2019

12 February 2019, 13.00-14.30
(Registration from 12:30)

Sofitel Budapest Chain Bridge – Belle Vue hall
(1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 2.)

Participation fee:
SCCH Members: 14.500 HUF + VAT/ person
Non-Members: 21.500 HUF + VAT/ person

Please note the following:
The event will be held in English only, and no translation will be provided.

We can only accept a limited number of registrations on a first come first served basis.



DATE: 16 October, Tuesday, 2018 11:00-14:00
VENUE: GUNDEL Restaurant, Winter Garden 1146, Budapest, Gundel Károly út 4.

Presentation and Q&A session: 11:00 – 12:15
Lunch: 12:15 – 14:00

The language of the event is English without translation.
Participation fee: 8.500 HUF .
To guarantee your seat, please register by 12 October 2018.

Photo Gallery is available on facebook!

INVITATION to the Business Luncheon

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary kindly invites you to its Luncheon on the occasion of the presentation titled

„ EU and Hungary in the global economy „

Guest speaker:

Lecturer of Karoli Reformed University, Budapest, former Deputy State Secretary for Transport, Ministry of National Development, former Member of the European Parliament (European People’s Party),committees, delegations, inter-groups: ECON, TRAN, SEE-Delegation, SEDE, Inter-parliamentary Delegation of Croatia and the EU, Intergroup of Viticulture, Tourism and Sport

DATE: 16 October, Tuesday, 2018 11:00-14:00

VENUE: GUNDEL Restaurant, Winter Garden 1146, Budapest, Gundel Károly út 4.


Presentation and Q&A session: 11:00 – 12:15

Lunch: 12:15 – 14:00

The language of the event is English without translation.

Participation fee: 8.500 HUF.

To guarantee your seat, please register by 12 October 2018.



23rd “SCCH Golf Championship” on Saturday, September 29, 2018
Start, in groups of 4 players, from 10.00 a.m.
Registration and distribution of score cards from 9.00 a.m. at Old Lake Golf Club (Tata)


“Two in One” – 11th Nordic Golf Tournament,


22nd “FINNISH Business Golf Tournament ”

and the

23rd “SCCH Golf Championship”


Saturday, September 29, 2018

Start, in groups of 4 players, from 10.00 a.m.

Registration and distribution of score cards from 9.00 a.m.


Old Lake Golf Club (Tata)

For more info, see:

Form of the competition: Stableford Play

All players:
”Nordic Champion” – Best Scratch result
”Closest to the pin” on the green, Hole 8
”Longest drive” on fairway, Hole 15
Men 0 – 36 hcp, best three awarded
Women 0 – 36 hcp, best three awarded

Tournament fee: Huf 22 000:-/person (to be paid on the spot)


Green fee + trolley
”Snack pack” (sandwich, drinks, chocolate bar & fruit), at the Start
Buffet lunch after your play (drinks not included)

Renting cost for golf cart Huf 10 000:-/18 hole

Start: Info about “Tee-off times“, from Old Lake Golf Reception, on September 26th, 2018

tel.:+36-34-587 620 or +36 30 747 27 03, e-mail:



Date&Time: Wednesday, 23rd May, 2018 at 18:00-23:00
Venue: Queen Elizabeth Ball Room of the wonderful historic building of GUNDEL (1146 Budapest, Gundel Károly street 4.)

Dear SCCH Members,Dear SCCH Members,

Mark your calendar for the upcoming event.

The SCCH Management Board and the Board of Gran Prize Judges cordially invites You to the 6th Gran Gala.

The tickets are available at HUF 27.000 / persons rate.

Date: Wednesday, 23rd May, 2018 at 18:00-23:00

Venue: Queen Elizabeth Ball Room of the wonderful historic building of GUNDEL
(1146 Budapest, Gundel Károly street 4.)

Dress code: Formal, black tie optional



Date&Time: Thursday, 03 May, 2018
Venue: SOFITEL Guirmard Hall ( 1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 2.)

Dear SCCH Member,

The SCCH kindly invites you to its General Meeting and Presentation followed by lunch

The General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 03 May, 2018 11:00-12:00.

Venue: SOFITEL Guirmard Hall ( 1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 2.)

In case the represented votes are less than 50 % of valid votes necessary for a valid decision, according to the current Article of Association, the General Meeting shall be postponed and held at 11:30-12:00 with the same Agenda points and valid regardless of votes represented.

General Meeting: 11:00 – 12:00

Presentation: 12:00 – 12:30

Lunch: 12:30 – 14:00


Participation fee for lunch: HUF 13.500

First Secretary, Deputy Head of the Representation, Ms. Eva Katarina Szécsi Åsbrink shall greet our Members.

The Management Board of the Chamber invites all Members for the traditional lecture of the Winner of the Gran Prize 2017, Professor DR. András Guttmann on the winning project, research achievements and development of a circulation cancer cell capture device.



– Membership announcement

– Approval of the Financial Report for 2017 approved by the Management and Supervisory Board

– Approval of the Budget for 2019 approved by the Management and Supervisory Board

– Programs and activities for 2017 and 2019



The EU-Chambers of Commerce in Hungary is pleased to invite You to have a Merry Christmas Drink together.

Date&Time: Tuesday, 16 December 2014, 17:00 – 19:00
Venue: ÉS Terrace, Kempinski Hotel Corvinus (1051., Bp., Erzsébet tér 7-8.)

We encourage everyone to join us, socialize with other members and
partners of the Chamber
and to celebrate Christmas in good company, with

excellent food
(Traditional Beef Goulash, Homemade grilled sausages with mixed
sour cabbage, ‘Bitterballen’ with Mustard, sweet and salty crêpes,
hot apple strudel with cinnamon sauce)


delicious drinks
(Mulled wine, Rum punch, Hot chocolate, Hot Mojito).

A special highlight of the event will be the draw of a beautiful and valuable PRECIOSA crystal jewellery among the guests.

PRECIOSA, the world’s top supplier of the highest quality machine-cut Czech crystal components besides Swarovski, arrived to Hungary with its crystal jewels and decorations. At the event you will have the chance to see their fabulous jewels and other products, which will be soon available for purchase in Hungary. Till then, view the collection on or send an e-mail

Participation fee
Members + Non-members: gross 5.000 HUF (3.937 HUF + VAT)

Please note that this is an outdoor event, so make sure you wear warm clothes.
Parking is available in the surrounding streets (parking fee applies).

Get in touch

+36 30 456 3713

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