ESG / Sustainability



During this event of the “Energy efficiency solutions in companies” Program – organised by the German-Hungarian Chamber in co-operation with the Swedish, the Austrian, Dutch, and Swiss bilateral Chambers – you can learn about innovative, complex solutions.


8:30  –  9:00       

Registration and networking

9:00  –  9:10   

Opening and welcomeH.E. Diana Madunic, Ambassador of Sweden to Hungary; Júlia Lipovecz, Director, Swisscham  Hungary

9:10  –  9:25 

Compressed Air Heat recovery at manufacturing sites
Atlas Copco – Mattias Holmstedt, General Manager, Atlas Copc

9:25  – 9:40

Heat pumps – a part of the circular future
Qvantum – Lars Bierlein, Head of New Markets and OEM

9:40  – 9:55

Future trends of electricity consumption – new industrial technologies
ABB – Péter Ivanics, Motion Local Business Unit Manager

9:55 – 10:10      

Digital Carbon footprint
Carbon.Crane – György Huszics, Founder, Managing Director

10:10 – 10:25   


10:25 – 10:45   


10:45 – 11:00   

Energy Efficiency in the industry – best practices, development and training opportunities (HU) – Krisztina Kottmayer, Project leader at German-Hungarian Knowledge Centre

11:00 – 11:15   

Waste to energy recovery (HU)
EQUANS – János Prugberger, Strategic Project Manager

11:15 – 11:30   

Hydrogen technology to make production carbon neutral – 30 years plan (HU)
Wienerberger – Péter Vaskó, Regional Product Manager

11:30 – 11:45   


11:45 –

Snacks and networking

Venue: Residence of the Ambassador of Sweden, 1121 Budapest, Diana utca 16/C.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required here no later late than 24 March 2025.

Please note that before the break the presentations will be held in English, after the break the language of the presentations will be Hungarian.



Net Zero Carbon Building Ready, Set, Go!

The Hungarian Green Building Council (HuGBC) and Team Sweden in Hungary kindly invite you to the Green Future Conference 2024 – Net Zero Carbon Construction – Ready, Set, Go!

Location: Budapest Music Center (BMC), 1093 Budapest Mátyás utca 8.

The fight against climate change is not just a challenge but an urgent task that requires our collective effort to solve. Supported by Team Sweden and 22 prominent companies, this year’s conference has set an ambitious goal: to achieve domestic net-zero carbon targets in the construction economy. To this end, it will publish a key strategy and engage in exciting discussions with leading international and national professionals. To promote and inspire sustainability efforts in the construction industry, the Council will launch the Zero Carbon Award to recognize the efforts of built environment stakeholders to minimize carbon emissions each year.

Please find the professional program, full of internationally recognized experts (e.g. the Sweden Green Building Council and Skanska) and registration details here: Green Future Conference 2024 (

Please note that the language of the event is mainly Hungarian.

17.10.2024 – 15.00

BETTER EFFECT – Sustainability in our everyday life

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary and Kinnarps Hungary cordially invite you to following exciting event on sustainability:

Better Effect – Sustainability in our everyday life

  • How we can contribute to a greener future through our decisions, our work, and even with our clothing?
  • What can we do individually and what can we do on community level for a sustainable future?

Listen to recognized experts:

– Dr. Lorina Buda, charismatic TEDx Speaker, University Teacher

– Ádám Böszörményi, NTT Hungary, Solution Sales Manager / CX&EX division

– Léna Szabó, Style motivator, Ambassador of a conscious wardrobe

Join us for an inspiring afternoon to take actions together for a greener world.

Venue: Kinnarps showroom, 1138 Budapest, Esztergomi út 31-39. 1.emelet.

Please find more information and registration details in the attached invitation.

Participation is free of charge for SCCH members and partners of Kinnarps, but registration is required.



Bálint Kovács from Stradamus Zrt. will give us a comprehensive picture on the ESG law.

We will cover the followings:

  • Overview on the Hungarian specialties
  • How to meet expectations set for the Hungarian companies?
  • Where are the companies in the process in usual?
  • Best practice and experience sharing through cases

 The language of the event is HUNGARIAN.

Participation is free of charge for SCCH members, but registration is required here.

You will get the link to the meeting after registration.


Mind the Gender Pay Gap and Take Action Now!

WeAreOpen, in collaboration with Team Sweden in Hungary, launched a Women’s Day Action Plan for companies on how to Close the Pay Gap in the frame of an interactive workshop.

The initiative aims to raise awareness of gender economic inequality and provide companies with concrete proposals for equal pay.

Although the principle of equal pay for equal work was introduced in 1957 by the Treaty of Rome, the gender pay gap remains a challenge in Europe. While the EU average has been slowly but steadily decreasing – from 17.4% in 2012 to 13.5% in 2021 – the gender pay gap in Hungary has tended to fluctuate: according to EU data, it was 19.1% in 2002 and 17.5% in 2022 (the lowest in 2015 and 2016, at 14%). Put simply, this means that, for the same work, women earn on average less than men per hour.

In response to this phenomenon, We Are Open, together with the Embassy of Sweden and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, presented a document that offers companies an action plan to close the gender pay gap.

“Closing the pay gap can increase efficiency and productivity in the long term, as people are more motivated to work, can perform better professionally, and feel better about themselves when they see that they are paid fairly and equally and have equal opportunities for promotion within the company. On the other hand, the legislative environment also puts pressure on firms. The EU Equal Pay Directive must be transposed into national law by the summer of 2026. After that, companies will have to report on the pay gap. Thirdly, there is a moral argument, and that is that we have the opportunity in the 21st century to review social constructs that have led to structural inequality,” said Nóra Várady, CEO of WeAreOpen.

In the action plan, the organization outlines specific steps to reduce the pay gap, including:

  • ensuring a transparent salary and benefits system
  • pay scales in job advertisements
  • the introduction of flexible working arrangements for family workers and consideration of the introduction of paternity leave
  • the introduction of programs to remove the glass ceiling and support female talent, as well as gender equality measures in early promotions
  • developing inclusive recruitment processes, for example by making information on family allowances available in job advertisements, or structuring interview questions to ensure that professional rather than family planning aspects are taken into account in an interview, irrespective of gender.

“Changing the situation is not easy and awareness of the problem needs to be raised by business leaders, legislators, educators, and many others. Society needs to understand that there is no such thing as ‘female jobs’, or ‘male jobs’. Reducing the pay gap will stimulate the economy as women will have more resources to spend which would increase the gross domestic product. So, a win-win situation for people, the economy, and society! “- said Diana Madunic, Sweden’s Ambassador to Hungary,

You can find a short report on the topic on here.

The photo gallery presents the atmosphere of the event and the workshop well.



Leadership Brunch with the Embassy of Sweden, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary and WeAreOpen

Sweden ranks first in the EU Gender Equality Index and many Swedish companies work actively to ensure diversity and gender equality at the workplace.

The most important takeaways of the event include the need for cooperation to share company best practices and what businesses can learn from each other. Furthermore, our guests discussed why diversity and gender equality makes business sense and creates value and purpose that can uplift diverse workforce. This mindset leads to innovation, sustainability, and economic opportunities.

Please find agenda here.

We strongly recommend to watch this film – produced by Essity (Zewa) to the Hungary market – that highlights the bases of equality.

If you missed the event, feel free to check out the photos and our social media platforms.


Sustainability Highlights 2022

Join us for the launching event of the Swedish Sustainability Highlights brochure!
Get insights and expert opinions on two actual topics within sustainability from Sweden and Hungary:

  • Greenwashing: green or greenwashed?
  • Environmental, Social and Governance, ESG: a “nice to have” or a “must”?

Networking, keynote lectures and interactive panel discussions in a forward looking event with companies & Swedish and Hungarian sustainability experts.





E-mobility – revolution or evolution?

Join us for exciting insights and expert opinions on the trends and development  plans of e mobility infrastructure in  Sweden and Hungary.

Networking, keynote lectures and an  interactive panel discussion in a forward looking workshop with companies  Swedish and Hungarian e-mobility  experts.



2021 – 2022

Sustainable Companies – Campaign

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary has started a Social Media Campaign to communicate the different approaches and aspects of sustainability at Swedish companies.

18 posts 21000+ impressions in social media so far.

The campaign gives extra visibility for the member companies to communicate their commitments, activities and positive stories.




Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming an integral part of doing business and can often be a competitive advantage.

  • What is an effective CSR program?
  • How can it be incorporated into company strategy to be a benefit and not a cost?
  • How can CSR create sustainable value to the company and society?

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