
The Manufacturing Platform was initiated by SCCH members who have production or similar facilities in Hungary.

The objective of this program is to create group where members can discuss topics that are interesting especially for the manufacturing companies, or relevant only for production sites.
During the meetings we share best practices and key learnings with each other and have opportunity for active discussions.



During this event of the “Energy efficiency solutions in companies” Program – organised by the German-Hungarian Chamber in co-operation with the Swedish, the Austrian, and Swiss bilateral Chambers – you can learn about innovative, complex solutions.


8:30  –  9:00       

Registration and networking

9:00  –  9:10   

Opening and welcomeH.E. Diana Madunic, Ambassador of Sweden to Hungary; Júlia Lipovecz, Director, Swisscham  Hungary

9:10  –  9:25 

Compressed Air Heat recovery at manufacturing sites
Atlas Copco – Mattias Holmstedt, General Manager, Atlas Copc

9:25  – 9:40

Heat pumps – a part of the circular future
Qvantum – Lars Bierlein, Head of New Markets and OEM

9:40  – 9:55

Future trends of electricity consumption – new industrial technologies
ABB – Péter Ivanics, Motion Local Business Unit Manager

9:55 – 10:10      

Digital Carbon footprint
Carbon.Crane – György Huszics, Founder, Managing Director

10:10 – 10:25   


10:25 – 10:45   


10:45 – 11:00   

Energy Efficiency in the industry – best practices, development and training opportunities (HU) – Krisztina Kottmayer, Project leader at German-Hungarian Knowledge Centre

11:00 – 11:15   

Waste to energy recovery (HU)
EQUANS – János Prugberger, Strategic Project Manager

11:15 – 11:30   

Hydrogen technology to make production carbon neutral – 30 years plan (HU)
Wienerberger – Péter Vaskó, Regional Product Manager

11:30 – 11:45   


11:45 –

Snacks and networking

Venue: Residence of the Ambassador of Sweden, 1121 Budapest, Diana utca 16/C.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required here no later late than 24 March 2025.

Please note that before the break the presentations will be held in English, after the break the language of the presentations will be Hungarian.

08.10.2024, 8.30 – 12.00

Energy efficiency solutions and best practices

During this event of the “Energy efficiency solutions in companies” Program – organised by the German-Hungarian Chamber in co-operation with the Swedish, the Austrian, and Swiss bilateral Chambers – you can learn about innovative, complex solutions on how to optimize compressed air systems, which has big potential for manufacturing companies. You will also see the latest equipment and gain insights into the world of Press Air Kft. during a company tour.

Venue: Press Air Kft., 2040 Budaörs, Gyár u. 2.

You can find detailed information on the event and registration details here (in Hungarian)

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.

The language of the event is Hungarian.




Energy efficiency and sustainability are continuously very important for manufacturing companies.

Already 10% reduction of energy consumption can mean 10 million forint saving in some cases.

During the event you can listen to best practice examples from firms in Hungary (as Skanska from our Chamber) on energy efficiency, as well ESG actualities in Hungary and information on trainings organised by the knowledge centre of the German Chamber.

Venue: Advantage Austria (Trade Office of the Embassy of Austria), 1062 Budapest, Délibáb utca 21.

Please find the presentations in Hungarian below:

Az energiahatékonyság az iparban, Kottmayer Krisztina, Német-Magyar Tudásközpont Kft.

ESG – Aktualitások és tudnivalók a magyarországi vállalatok számára, Kovács Bálint, DUWZ szakértő; Stradamus Zrt.

Vállalati Best Practice-k bemutatása:

20.02.2024, 14.00 – 15.30

The product fee system – best practices

Based on the positive feedback and the expressed need on further discussions on product fee system, we have asked our expert, Levente Borsányi-Bognár from e-Termékdí Kft. to give an online presentation on

  • Experience gained based on the first 6 months
    • Good practices,
    • Where can we make mistakes
    • Where can we make modifications after submission, how can we self-check
  • Best-practices, cases on e.g. different packaging, renaming, any exceptions found, etc.

The language of the event is Hungarian.

Participation is free for SCCH members, but registration is required at Participation costs 10,000 HUF for non-members.


Sustainable Packaging and the new product fee system

Production companies are continuously investigating how they can develop their packaging to make it more sustainable and effective.

Besides, there are several open questions in connection to the recently introduced product fee system.

During this online session you can hear best practices and get answer to some of your questions.


  1. How can we make packaging more sustainable and cost effective? – by Bálint Tóth, Managing Director of Nefab Hungary
  2. Tips & tricks for the implementation of the new product fee system – by Levente Borsányi-Bognár, Managing Director of e-Termékdí Kft
  3. Q&A and discussion

26.09.2023, 9.00 – 12.00


Energy efficiency and sustainability are continuously very important for manufacturing companies.

Already 10% reduction of energy consumption can mean 10 million forint saving in some cases.

During the event you can listen to best practice examples from firms in Hungary (as Airvent from SCCH), as well as a general overview of the current situation and the prospects of industrial energy efficiency in Hungary and information on trainings organised by the knowledge centre of the German Chamber.

Venue: German Hungarian Chamber (H-1024 Budapest, Lövőház u. 30.).

You can find detailed information on the event and registration details here (in Hungarian and German).

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.

The language of the event is Hungarian.


Energy saving best practices for production sites

The goal of this online meeting is to share practical experience with each other which can be introduced within relative short term and little financial investment.


  • Best practice sharing by József Csibra, Manufacturing Engineering Manager HUC & Launch Manager HUY at Electrolux
  • Further experience sharing
  • Q&A and discussion.



Blue collar employee shortage and fluctuation – How to survive the first 6 months?

The goal of the event is to share cases where factories could significantly decrease the fluctuation of their blue collar employees and discuss further success stories and challenges with each other.


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