12.09.2024, 8.45 – 14.00


Nearly 500 meals were cooked for people in need by the employees of Electrolux Hungary, Ambassador of Sweden Diana Madunic, and the member companies of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce

Electrolux Hungary has been working with the Hungarian Food Bank Association since 2019. This year the joint work continues as in September a team of 50 people from Electrolux, 30 people from the Swedish Chamber of Commerce’s member companies and the Ambassador of Sweden Diana Madunic joined forces to cook and pack a total of nearly 500 meals for one of the partner organization of the Food Bank, especially the Social Care Centre of Érd.

The ’Jótékonyha’ event is just the first occasion organised by Electrolux to raise awareness of the younger generation on how they can help to reduce food waste and also the environmental footprint of food.

The Hungarian Food Bank Association is one of the most influential charities in Hungary. Every year, the organisation collects 10 million kilos of food from supermarkets and manufacturers that is close to its expiry date or has faulty packaging, so that it does not end up in the bin but on the tables of people in need. Since its establishment in 2005, the Association has built a nationwide food rescue network of more than 600 charitable organisations, through which it has donated goods worth HUF 80 billion to people and families in need. The Food Bank’s donations help 250,000 people in need every year, and food rescue also protects nature from the environmental damage caused by waste.

27.06.2022 – 03.07.2022



Last year, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce organized the first CSR Awareness Week in Hungary with great results. This year – between June 27 and July 3rd – many businesses and non-profits will have the possibility to create awareness towards CSR and to start a cooperation within a company or between organisations.

CSR Awareness Week has been launched in Hungary for the second time this year, between June 27 and the July 3rd. The aim of the campaign, which has been started by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary is to create awareness towards the importance of CSR among its members and in the Hungarian business sector. They would also like to inspire participants to find new ways to expand and communicate their responsibility activities.

Already last year, many Hungarian businesses, chambers and organisations joined the initiative, with Advantage Austria, AmCham, Belgabiz, Danish Business Club, Dutcham, CCI France Hongrie, Swisscham, Bridge Budapest, ÖKA, AIPM, HotelHero, HuGBC, LEO FM, National Association of Large Families in Hungary and Single Parents Club Foundation among them. This year further organizations were among the firsts that registered to take part as the German-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, the Irish-Hungarian Business Circle, IVSZ (Association of IT Enterprises), the Association of Hungarian Malls, and also the National Association of Managers and the Hungarian Tire Association signed up. Everyone interested can join by using the common logo and the hashtag #csrawarenessweek2022.

The first campaign last year achieved very good results: 160 posts and articles have been published, and 80 businesses, 40 organisations, 20 people shared their news and thoughts connected to CSR. Through this activity it became apparent, how multi-faceted corporate responsibility is: from helping children and supporting healthcare to diversity, sustainability and the wellbeing of employees lots of topics have been covered.

We are very curious, what campaigns and programs the participating organisations will communicate about. CSR is now an integrated part of business, still a lot of times it is talked about only internally. We think it is important to make these activities known by the wider public to inspire other businesses to start a sustainable, long term CSR strategy.” – told Roland Jakab, President of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary.

The Embassy of Sweden to Hungary has commissioned a survey in Hungary about CSR. According to that, companies are now realising the importance of the kind of CSR that they are doing, not only for clients but also for potential employees. It was also an interesting result that three-quarters of companies have already donated money for charitable causes and 56% of them have also organised volunteer work. Not only corporations are active in CSR: small- and medium sized companies support good causes in a similar proportion. But since many of them are not focusing on communication that much, the activities remain unknown by the wide public. CSR Awareness Week is aiming to change that.

01.06.2022 – 26.06.2022

CALL TO CATION: CSR Awareness Week

Based on the success of the last year’s CSR Awareness Week we would like to invite and encourage you to participate in this year’s activity as well commencing on 27 June 2022.

Similarly to last year, we are providing you with the basic information on how to participate in the CSR Awareness Week 2022. Registration will be open until June 22, participation is of course free of charge and additional information and tools will be shared with participants on June 23. Please share this communication with the appropriate team members of your company/association.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming an integral part of doing business. However, many times, the information and outcomes of the programs stay internal within the participating entities, missing out on the opportunity to drive inspiration to others.

The concept of a CSR Awareness Week was initiated by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary and our Chamber is happy to join and motivate our members to participate. During June 27- July 3, we are encouraging everyone involved in CSR activities in Hungary to join the positive communication flow and use their regular communication channels to raise awareness, visibility and communicate the value of their CSR activities under one joint umbrella logotype and hashtag (see below).

This activity is open to all linked to all companies, associations, business clubs, embassies, chambers and of course the entire NGO sector.

Preparatory steps:

  • Register your company/organization via the link here by latest June 22. Participation is free of charge.
  • Forward this communication to the right team members within your entity and start developing your own plan and collaterals and visual elements. We have enclosed the joint logotype (attached) and hashtag #csrawarenessweek2022 to be used in all communications related to this program

Action plan:

  • By the latest 23 June, registered participants will receive additional information about the program and participants, which can be leveraged in the final preparations for the week. This will include a joint introduction text which can be used at the start of the week to have an aligned message platform.
  • 27 June, Monday: Start the communication by sharing or publishing the common text above on your communication platforms (social media, webpage, newsletter, etc.)
    • Selected umbrella participants will be asked to share a joint press release to their press contacts. The Swedish Chamber of Commerce will coordinate this
  • 28 June – 3 July: all participants to share their own CSR stories, activities, etc. on their communications platforms with the common #csrawarenessweek2022 and logo
  • Week of 4 July: summary of the results

The summary of the week and last year’s results can be found here.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary (swedishchamber@swedishchamber.hu) in case you have any questions.



– Support of UNICEF Hungary and NANE to help children and women whose lives have become even more difficult

Music, light, hope and compassion build our unique Lucia celebration.

The Embassy of Sweden and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary welcome you to our digital celebration released on the 13th of December at 09.00.

The pandemic challenges us as individuals, families and communities.

Coming together now is more important than ever.

2021 – JUNE 28 – JULY 4


June 28 – July 4

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming an integral part of doing business and can often be a competitive advantage. However, we have learned during our CSR event in April and also through a study ordered by the Embassy of Sweden, that external communication of the value and results of these type of cooperation and activities can be challenging for many actors.

During June 28- July 4, we are encouraging everyone involved in CSR activities in Hungary to join the positive communication flow and use their regular communication channels to raise awareness, visibility and communicate the value of their CSR activities under one joint umbrella logotype and hashtag.

This activity is open to all linked to all companies, associations, business clubs, embassies, chambers and of course the entire NGO sector.

The concept is really simple: share your own CSR stories, activities, etc. on your communications platforms during the week June 28-July 4 by using the common logo and #csrawarenessweek2021.

2021 – JUNE 28 – JULY 4


The Swedish Chamber of Commerce hosts the first Hungarian CSR Awareness Week from June 28 to July 4. The event aims to raise awareness of the importance of corporate social responsibility, enable companies to share experiences from their CSR campaigns, and inspire each other to operate in a socially conscious way.



Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming an integral part of doing business and can often be a competitive advantage.

  • What is an effective CSR program?
  • How can it be incorporated into company strategy to be a benefit and not a cost?
  • How can CSR create sustainable value to the company and society?

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